Firm Assurance, unLtd., Mark Roth, Genuine Lord Impersonator (tm)
Molly Ivins on Lord Impersonators
Bartcop: the angry liberal news headlines links from the liberal/left view
Dean for America
The Argument FAQ

 Friends, are you tired of hearing from everyone on the right, from G.W. Bush on down to Falwell and Limbaugh, how they are Doing the Lord's Work, and have been given personal messages to this effect?

This is no longer something up with which you need put!

You and your friends can be assured, in person, that you are Doing the Lord's Work, and Fighting the Good Fight!

Yes, for reasonable rates (plus transportation), I, a genuine Lord Impersonator (tm), will come to your party, conference, convention, confabulation, or media outlet, suitablely attired (Jedi-style robes, tuxedo, tailcoat, or dressed like a well-known naval purveyor of spinach), and give you all the assurance, encouragement, bon mots and snappy comebacks you need to Gird Yourself with the Armor of Righteousness (tm), and come out swinging at the self-proclaimed conservatives (who really want to conserve only money for themselves)!

Contact me today, and be assured tomorrow!

Mark Roth, Genuine Lord Impersonator (tm)
Firm Assurances, unLtd.
Port St. John, FL