Things I Will Never Understand

(c) D Hardison, 2000

I know why the sky is blue and the grass is green. Simple chemistry. I know why teflon sticks to the pan. Basic engineering. But I will never understand human hypocrisy.

Why would people who claim to be for "less government" for corporations (remove basic protections of human safety and health) be squalling for MORE government restrictions on your private life? How could anyone be so greedy, self-centered, and short-sighted as to put personal profits ahead of public safety, yet demand their own brand of thought-control over your personal freedom?

How could abortion be "baby-killing," but children dying because the parents can't afford food or medical care is "not our problem?" Why are "parent's rights to teach the child as the parents wish" the most important tenet -- unless the parents want to raise the child as a free-thinker, or in a country other than America, or as a naturist?

(And why do so many wealthy debutantes visit France after high school prom night -- France, the only place where the abortion pill is readily and discretely available?)

Why is Viagra an "essential" drug -- an assistant to recreational sex covered by insurance -- but contraceptives are "recreational" drugs even when they're used to treat breast and ovarian cancer? And a drug which can treat brain cancers is banned outright, and used in a political power struggle, violating decades of lawmaking rules, just because it might also be used as a "morning after" contraceptive?

Why is one instance of oral sex an impeachable offense, but divorce and long term affairs "just business as usual?" Henry Hyde, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee so bent on impeaching Clinton, admitted to a long adulterous affair which he brushed off as a "youthful indiscretion," even though he was in his 40s at the time and the affair had been going on for years. Dan Burton and "Saint" Helen Chenoweth both had to admit, when confronted, they had been having long-term affairs.

Republican Speaker-elect Bob Livingston admitted that he himself has committed a number of adulterous "indiscretions" -- but only when he was threatened with outside evidence. (Four women had contacted the media -- and, like roaches, when you see one out in the open it means more are behind the walls.) The LA Times reported that after his confession, fellow Republicans rose for a standing ovation. What were they cheering, repeated adultery?

Why is "protecting our flag" worthy of screeching attempts to amend the Constitution itself, but protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink dismissed as "environmentalist wacko-ism?"

One final question to all of you who still don't get the point, either because you've been brainwashed or because you really don't have the mental capability to think for yourselves: how can anyone who considers themselves a true Christian put up with the lies, the hatred and bigotry, the theft, and the treason of those who have stolen the name of Christianity for their own person profit? Why have you not stood up and denounced liars, thieves, and hypocrites like Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan? Why have you not hooted pandering scum like Ralph Reed and George Bush Jr. back into the shadows where they belong, and demand that they repent for their public sins? Why have you not lynched someone as purely evil as communist dictator wanna-be James Dobson?

How can you call yourselves Christian until you have cast out the devils using your name among you? Or have you been corrupted to the soul yourselves?

I know about light-years and quantum particles. But I will never understand human hypocrisy.