mark, the SilverDragon's page

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! He's over the top, and in your face!
Disclaimer: if you don't understand satire, and don't use the Monty Python Dictionary Definition of an argument, you probably don't want to go any further.

My hobbyhorses (still under construction):

  1. The Argument FAQ (from alt.atheism) - don't read this page without it
  2. Politics, incl. the US - the most hypocritical country in history, and what we should do about it
  3. The Rogue Bag of Pretzels Web site
  4. I have the True Religion, you have a Philosophy, they're superstitious
  5. sf & fandom
  6. Music
  7. Misc (social commentary, amusing stuff, page rage, etc)

Why you should listen to me: this is a scan of a Polaroid of my Enlightenment, unretouched.

1 The Monty Python Dictionary Definition of an argument: A series of statements, intended to prove a proposition, not simple nay-saying.
Yes, it is!
Note that "statements..." includes evidence. If you dislike being asked for evidence, why are you on the Net?